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Alana Hunt: Surveilling a Crime Scene

5 October - 18 November 2023

Surveilling a Crime Scene (2019-23) examines the materialisation of non-indigenous life on Miriwoong Countryā€”through the town of Kununurra and its surrounds. Forming gradually over the last decade of the artistā€™s life, the threads of this work forge a tapestry that recognises colonisation not as history but as a continuous and present violence, one that is deceptively ordinary. Co-commissioned by the Sheila Foundationā€™s Michela and Adrian Fini Artist Fellowship and NCCA, and supported by the Copyright Agencyā€™s Cultural Fund this suite of new work features a super 8mm film; a flip book of the film; and a constellation of clustered 35mm photographs. Together these summon the absurdities and violence that lie within our aspirations for leisure, for economic growth, and for a home. Always, on someone elseā€™s land. This work speaks through agendas of development and colonisation and leisure, coursing through our lives and the places we hold dear. It speaks of airports and tourism, of altered ecosystems. A blown up mountain becomes a dam wall that drowns a world while being celebrated by tourists; a multimillion dollar bridge is made for a giant prawn farm that only ever existed as a proposal; an illegal granite mine swiftly abandoned, leaves behind a mirror of our world that is never held to account; small scale gravel pits persistently turn the landscape inside out, like obscured cigarette burns on a tortured body; the great promise of a food bowl is now filled with inedible products like cotton and sandalwood; and the unending maintenance of it all. Of our lives, and our homes, on someone elseā€™s land.


Alana Hunt

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